2024 Waitlist Opening for Oakland Affordable Housing Preservation Initiatives (OAHPI) Project-Based Voucher Properties
(This waitlist is for 3-bedroom Project-based Voucher apartments only)
OAPHI Waitlist Flyer
How to Apply
You may fill out a pre-application online or receive assistance from an OHA staff member by visiting one of our OHA locations on the following dates between 10am and 2pm or calling (510) 587-2100.
Go to or to submit a pre-application.
Lockwood Gardens
1327 65th Ave.
Oakland, CA 94621
Leased Housing Dept.
1540 Webster Street
Oakland, CA 94612 |
Peralta Village
935 Union Street
Oakland, CA, 94607 |
Language Translation Services
Language translation and American Sign Language interpretation services are available in 151 languages at all offices for free for all members of the public. To request interpretation/translation services call (510) 587-2100, TDD Number (510) 597-7119.
En todas las oficinas hay servicios gratuitos de interpretación a la lengua de señas estadounidense y traducción a 151 idiomas para todos los ciudadanos. Para solicitar servicios de interpretación/traducción llame al (510) 587-2100, número TDD (510) 597-7119.
我們的所有辦公室均提供 151 種語言翻譯和美國手語傳譯服務,免費供公眾享用. 如要索取傳譯/筆譯服務,請致電 (510) 587-2100, TDD 號碼 (510) 597-7119.
所有办事处免费向所有公众提供 151 种语言的翻译和美国手语翻译服务. 如需申请口译/笔译服务,请致电 (510) 587-2100,TDD 号码 (510) 597-7119.
Dịch vụ Dịch thuật Ngôn ngữ và Thông dịch Ngôn ngữ Ký hiệu Hoa Kỳ được cung cấp miễn phí bằng 151 ngôn ngữ tại tất cả các văn phòng cho tất cả công dân. Để yêu cầu dịch vụ thông dịch/dịch thuật, hãy gọi (510) 587-2100, Số TDD (510) 597-7119.
DV/Violence Against Women Act Resources
Disclaimer: if you are in danger, please call 911.
The Violence Against Women Act provides tenant and applicants who have experienced domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking with special protections. To learn more about these protections, please see the Confidential Client Requests – Residents in Crisis.
Current residents click here for additional information and available resources
for families & children, job openings, tax help, stress management and more.
Current residents click here for additional information and available resources for families & children, job openings, tax help, stress management and more.